The Story of the 10th Armored Division

The December wind swirled about the schoolhouse in the small French border town of Apach. Inside, the staff of the 10th Armored Divisionn virtually had completed plans for a battle — a battle that never would never be fought. The 90th and 95th Inf. Divs. had carved toeholds on the east bank of the Saar River. The 10th Armored Tigers were to roll through these bridgeheads and drive steel-tipped spearheads into the Saar Basin. This was to be Gen. Patton's march on the Rhine.

At 0330, Dec. 17, movement orders came over the war room ticker. Less than three hours later, leading tanks and half-tracks clattered down the road — not east toward the bridgeheads, but north toward Luxembourg! So precipitous was the change in orders if that few men of the division realized the importance of the new mission.

Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt could have told them. Germany's stony-faced West Front Commander had struck a body blow in the Ardennes.

Men of the 9th Armd., 4th and 28th Inf. Divs. could have told the Tigers. Their lines, stretched thin and taut as a bowstring along a 95-mile front north of intersection, were snapping beneath the weight of concentrated, German military might.




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